Official Website of The Kari-Lea Show

Friday, March 23, 2007

Jamie and Matthew: A Time of Need

We have heard your cries Jamie and Matthew. We have heard your cries! Rest assured that we at The Kari-Lea Show cannot let your pleas go unnoticed. For those viewers at home who may not be aware of what I'm referring to, Jamie's heart-wrenching story is available in the "comment" section of our website.

Jamie and Matthew have been a strong presence on our show over the years, and we feel that now is as good a time as any to announce that JAMIE AND MATTHEW YOUR WILDEST DREAMS ARE COMING TRUE!!!

While we can't erase the pain and anguish you endured on St. Patrick's Day, we can make you an official Kari-Lea Show Couple for season five!! That's right a THIRD couple to top off our best season yet! And that's not all, Jamie and Matthew! Your married antics will be posted for the world to see when you assume your positions as OFFICIAL ONLINE CORRESPONDENTS! Welcome to the show! We can't wait to hear from you online!!

Jamie and Matthew's Wildest Dreams have come true! Will yours? Stay tuned to The Kari-Lea Show!

Kari-Lea's Newest Couple
Jamie & Matthew

And there you have it!

This is Kari-Lea signing off...


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