Official Website of The Kari-Lea Show

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Icewater: Crushed, Not Cubed!!!

Has Kari-Lea got a show for you!!!! On this exclusive first segment of "K True Hollywood Story: London" Kari-Lea will take you inside the drama that is Icewater! She was there as Kevin and Dave battled it out in Foozball! She was there as Ike filed his nails! She was there as Matt discovered his true loves--pottery and topiary! And now she's revealing it all! With never-before-seen footage, this special episode of The Kari-Lea Show will charm and captivate you! Watch as Matt attempts to paint his drumset purple, while Dave looks on in dismay. See Ike and Kevin perform an unusual ritual with pearls and tunafish. Enjoy all of this excitement on Kari-Lea's first ever "K True Hollywood Story: London." You'll cry and you'll squirm as we bid a sorrowful farewell to our little Matty, as he pursues happiness at an Ancient Angolian Pastel Factory. Although we are sad to see him go, rest assured fans, he will remain our Sister Rock Brother for 2005, and will continue to be fixture on The Kari-Lea Show! We would like to take a moment now to say GOOD LUCK SPECIAL FRIEND! and to remind Matt that he is ALWAYS WELCOME ON THE SET OF THE KARI-LEA SHOW!
Check your local listings for this very special Icewater episode, and stay tuned for more news on how to order custom pastels.

Secondly, as a courtesy to our fans, I would like to address the rumours that I, Kari-Lea (host of The Kari-Lea Show), am currently disputing with the remaining members of Icewater. This is simply untrue. As many of you know, I was recently approached by members of the band and offered the drummer position. Although I was flattered and excited, I was unable to accept. Due to the increasing popularity of my show and the demands that come with such greatness, I do not feel that I could support the band in the capacity that is necessary. The band was understanding and supportive of my decision. We maintain an amicable relationship, and are anticipating collaborations in the near future.

In other news, Official Kari-Lea Show buttons are here!!! Order yours for the exceptionally low price of $5 (tip is optional). To order, mail us at Or order them directly from Stan Perry as he meets with fans on Saturday February 19 at Masontown Place! There's no better way to carry Kari-Lea Show pride on your keychain! Order today!

And there you have it!
This is Kari-Lea signing off...

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Kari-Lea's Wildest Dreams Sweepstakes!

Kari-Lea's Silver Wildest Dreams Hyundai made its first stop on Saturday! Members and fans of Icewater (The Kari-Lea Show's sister rock band for 2005) had the surprise of their lives. As they prepared for an intense show of style and poise at London's posh club, Call the Office, this fab four had no idea how exciting their nights were about to become! Although they were expecting a member of our Kari-Lea Show staff to attend the show and conduct interviews, they had no idea that Kari-Lea herself was waiting outside to make an entrance! And make an entrance she did! Isaac Clark Dawson Moore was the first band member to have his wildest dreams come true! When met face to face with Kari-Lea, he could not help but gesture a sincere gesture, and confess that he was feeling "smooth" (as most people do when they meet Kari-Lea, the host of the Kari-Lea Show). Next, Kevin spotted Kari-Lea, and joy was apparent in his face. He described himself as "dizzy" when interviewed by Kari-Lea, and found it difficult to say much more as a result of his excitement. The final surprise of the night was saved for Matt Weston. He perhaps summed up his reaction best when he said:
"This is a dream come true for me! I can't believe [Kari-Lea] is actually here! OMG! This is un-freakin-believable. Give me a second...ok, yeah, this is awesome. [Kari-Lea's] my last thought before I fall asleep at night and my first thought when I wake up in the morning. I feel so lucky. I never thought this could happen to me. I know that sounds like a cliché, but it's true, man. Gee whiz. I don't know what else to say. Kari-Lea for president, or prime minister, or whatever...Kari-Lea for something, man. I'm the happiest I've ever been. My dreams are coming true. I'm the luckiest man alive."

Member #4 was unavailable for comment. We understand that he was too overwhelmed to grant us an interview.

All in all the Icewater show on the Kari-Lea Show was a huge success and will likely be nominated for a number of awards. We are only sorry that the show couldn't have happened sooner. Our feedback has been very positive, and we look forward to future collaborations with our sister rock band of 2005!
Also, stay tuned for more of the Kari-Lea's Wildest Dreams Sweepstakes. It happened to these boys and it can happen to you! Where will the silver Hyundai show up next?

Stan Perry
Producer- The Kari-Lea Show