Official Website of The Kari-Lea Show

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Another Couple for Season Five!

Yes, the rumors are true! Kari-Lea is proud to introduce a second couple for Season Five. Mark and Laur (pictured above) are in desperate need of a relationship makeover and Kari-Lea is prepared to give it to them. Stay tuned in the coming months as we follow this couple's progress through Kari-Lea's "More-Than-Effective 7.6 Step Program"!

New Year's Eve Spectacular!!!

The Kari-Lea Show is back in full force to ring in 2007. This year promises to be one of our show's best. We will be posting exclusive features and behind-the-scenes happenings with Kari-Lea's Season Five Couple - Jay and Alecia. In addition, Kari-Lea is pleased to announce a new couple for Season Five. That's heard it here first! Two Couples for Season Five! Our newest couple will be introduced in a later post. For now, let's recap our New Year's Eve Spectacular for those of you who couldn't be with us live.

It was a busy night for the Kari-Lea Show crew. Our night kicked off live from Mark and Laura's basement. Here, some of our lucky contest winners had an opportunity to hone their skills and to live out their dreams as guest correspondents on The Kari-Lea Show.

Jordan was the lucky winner of our "Photographer for a Night" Contest. She snapped some of our best photgraphs from the night!

Lindsay got some hosting tips from Kari-Lea. Watch for some guest hosting on future shows!

We were also fortunate to interview some fresh faces on our New Year show. Johnny was more than happy to be a guest on the show, and was quick to discuss pressing issues such as casino employee hours with great tact and passion. Thanks for being on the show Johnny!

Johnny's First Interview!

We also featured a breaking news story with Kari-Lea's couple, Alecia and Jay. While Jay was an active participant on our New Year's Eve Spectacular, Alecia was nowhere to be found! Sources close to Alecia have confirmed that she opted to feed llamas at the local petting zoo while Jay was fulfilling his end of his Kari-Lea Show contract! Could this spell disaster for Kari-Lea's Season Five Couple?! Stay tuned!!

Here's Jay, but where's Alecia??

A special thank you to all of our guests on our New Year's Eve Spectacular!

And there you have it!

This is Kari-Lea signing off...