Official Website of The Kari-Lea Show

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Exciting Announcement!

Happy Boxing Day all! I would like to announce that Sheenah Morah Duclos has just signed on as our environmental advisor! We are pleased to have her on board, and are anticipating the good things to come. Hold on to your fins, Earth Day is just around the corner!

AND keep those emails coming. Kari-Lea's Wildest Dreams sweepstakes has been launched and we're looking for the perfect guests!! Nominate your family or peers by emailing us by January 22 at to tell us why they're so darn special.

And there you have it!
This is Kari-Lea signing off...

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Season's Greetings!!!

We at The Kari-Lea Show would like to wish happy holidays to all of our fans, donors, auditors, and associates! We're looking forward to fun times in the new year! Keep an eye out for Kari-Lea's Wildest Dreams Hyundai Accent!! You never know where it'll pop up next!! Stay fit and have fun (body break).

And there you have it!
This is Kari-Lea signing off...

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Why Aren't I Laughing? Phase Two...

As many of you may have read, there has been an upheaval on and off the set of the Kari-Lea Show. From problems in the mailroom to inadequate P.R. ploys, The Kari-Lea Show has been shaken, not stirred. And this, my friends, is why I am not laughing.
This post comes to assure our loyal fans that the problems have been addressed, and that amendments have been made. We are pleased to announce that Laura MacNaughton is our new Head of PR!! Laura has great experience in the field and we are sure that her positive attitude will help to revive our show. Stan Perry remains our ever-faithful producer, and I your ever-ready host. With changes in place, we at the Kari-Lea Show are determined and committed to satisfying our fans and their needs. We will be featuring more updates, and will have more corresondents to assist us with breaking news.

I would now like to issue an official apology to Icewater and their fans!! As many of you were aware, The Kari-Lea Show was slated to air interviews live from Christina's Pub on December 3, 2004. This never happened. Although our crew was on hand at 9:30 and again at 10:10, we were unable to meet up with the Icewater folk. With breaking news in the Ukraine election scandal, our crew was divided and coverage from Christina's Pub seemed an impossiblity. We are ashamed of our handling of this situation and will strive to regain Icewater's companionship. It is our hope that they will be our sister rock band in the new year. We'll keep you posted on any progress.

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to the fans who have stood by us throughout this ordeal. Regular updates will resume this week, and will feature some new contests and segements that we are sure you'll all enjoy!! Stay tuned!
And there you have it!
This is Kari-Lea signing off...