Official Website of The Kari-Lea Show

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Why Aren't I Laughing Phase One!

Success! Our first Why Aren't I Laughing segment aired today, and featured Laura MacNaughton as she began her self-reflective journey. We were there to ask Laura, "why aren't you laughing?" and the results were tremendous. While at first blame shifting and complete avoidance hindered her recognition of unhappiness, Laura eventually began her journey acknowledging that her legs were soapy. Apparently a toilet flush had left her in the shower naked, soapy, and without water. This, she determined, was why she was not laughing. We will continue to work with Laura in the coming weeks and will keep you posted on her journey towards laughter. Thank you Laura for having the courage to ask, "Why aren't I laughing?" Best of luck to you!

And there you have it!
This is Kari-Lea signing off...


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